Both players had to press a button at the same time to go up or down.
Candyvator – The team would stand on a special elevator used for window washing. High Rise – Both players on the team in control would swing up & down facing the stand-up big board. Helping Hands – Players would swing over the on-the-floor board while making matches using the special pointers. Candy Ladder – One player would be on a giant ladder while the other would move the ladder. Gumball Drop – Both players would be tied together while gumballs (represented by exercise balls of various colors) rolled down the board to make things hard for them. Based on the famous but complicated arcade game. The Claw – One player would hang over the on-the-floor board while the partner navigated the hanger. The catch was that they were placed back to back and spinning around throughout in a random manner. Spin Cycle – Both players on the team in control would swing side to side facing the stand-up big board. The Balloon – One player would swing in the air facing the stand-up big board, with his/her partner holding him/her by a rope. Sugar Swing – While suspended over the on-the-floor board, one player would use a long pointer to make the matches while his/her partner navigated. Candy Cart – The team in control would wheel around the on-the-floor board on a two-person cart trying to make the matches. The teams (who were stuck together) had to clear the frosting by making matches near it, and then make matches to drop the hazelnut to the bottom of the board. Stuck on You – A hazelnut at the top of the board was surrounded by frosting. #CANDY CRUSH WIKI 2053 FREE#
Free Yeti – The teams (while strapped to candy skewers), would try to free a yeti under the frosting by making matches near the frosting to remove them. But the one making the matches had to do it blindfolded and had to depend on his/her partner to guide them. Cherry Drop – The players would race to make matches in an attempt to get a cherry down to the bottom. Sugar Spin – The players on the teams were strapped to turntables while trying to be the first team to remove 12 jelly squares from the board.
The first team to make six matches was the winner.
Candy Rush – This was a relay race where the team players would take turns making matches on a board that grew every two matches.
Cake Bomb – Using their pointers, the teams would try to remove eight slices of a cake by making matches next to them using candy sticks with pointing hands on the end. The first team to do it twice won the round. Once the first player was done, the second player would do the same thing. Licorice Maze – One player from each team would scramble through three Licorice Mazes and then remove a Licorice Lock by making a match by swiping an unlocked piece. The first team to four points won the round. Once the candy reached the box, the swiper had to match that candy in order to move on. A candy would appear on their boards and that would be the candy the throwers would throw into a box in front of their partners. Candy Toss – One member of each team were the throwers and their partners were the swipers. Jelly Time – The players on the teams were strapped to candy canes while trying to be the first team to remove 12 jelly squares from the board. In the event of a tie with the same number of matches in the King-sized Challenge, the team who made that number of matches and got to the leaders' lounge first received an advantage of the higher position in the Ultimate Candy Clash. The two teams with the most number of matches from the King-Sized Challenges advanced to the Ultimate Candy Clash for a chance at $100,000. Each team that won a qualifying round earned the right to pick one King-Sized Challenge, and the team that did not win the third qualifying round would get the remaining King-Sized Challenge that was not picked. #CANDY CRUSH WIKI 2053 SERIES#
In the early rounds, the teams competed in a series of qualifying games for the right to play a two minute physical challenge of their choosing. In the game show, four teams competed for $100,000. Candy Crush is a "Match 3" game where the player has to line up three candy pieces by swiping or clicking to score and remove them from the board and matching more than three (either four or five) gives the player a special bonus or power to remove other candies from the board.